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Monsoon over? What to Do?

 An anti-cyclonic flow is developing over Northwest India, and creating dry weather over parts of Southwest Rajasthan, indicating the withdrawal of monsoon. It is Anticipated that slowly, the monsoon will be leaving the country, starting from Western Rajasthan.

Let us see the final monsoon patterns in some regions of India and suggest farmers with some measures to avoid crop damage.


  • Dry weather is expected over parts of Southwest Rajasthan which is favoring the Monsoon Withdrawal from Western Rajasthan in 1-2 days.
  • This system results in dry condition in Western Rajasthan, but the Southeast Rajasthan is still expected to receive light-moderate showers for next 2-3 days.
  • Harvesting of moong and bajra should be done, by picking up the mature pods and cover them properly.
  • Legumes of ground nut should be checked by uprooting the plant and if more than 80% of the legumes are ripe, then harvest the crop.
  • Farmers are advised to do field preparation for sowing of rabi Mustard.
  • Seed rate of 4-5 kg is recommended in dry areas, and 2.5kg is recommended in irrigated areas.
  • Treat the seed before sowing with Mancozeb @ 2.5 gram/kg seed.
  • Sowing of Mustard can be carried with the suitable temperature of 20-25°c.  


Uttar Pradesh:

  • A cyclonic circulation is present over Southeast UP and adjoining regions, due to which light-moderate to heavy rainfalls are expected over these regions for next 3-4 days, and then monsoon is likely to be over.
  • Maintain proper drainage system in the maize fields, as the excess water may damage the quality of corn kernels.
  • There are chances for occurrence of Tikka disease in the ground nut crop, in that case, spray the fungicide Imidacloprid or Thiomethaxam @ 4-5 gm per 15 liters of water.
  • Sowing of bajra and arhar is advisable. Apply 20 kg Nitrogen, 45 kg Sulphur, 20 kg Potash and 20 kg Sulphur per hectare before sowing.
  • A seed rate of 18-20 kg per hectare is recommended. Before sowing, treat the seeds with Thiram at the rate of 2.5 gm per kg and sow immediately after seed treatment.
  • Sowing of guar, radish, cluster bean, beans, spinach, amaranths and ladyfinger can be done on ridges.



  • Isolated heavy rainfall with thunderstorm is expected in Bihar for next 1-2 days.
  • Weather activity is expected to continue till end of the month, with light-moderate rainfall.
  • Excess water in the paddy fields should be drained off by maintaining proper drainage channels.
  • In case of stem borer observed in Paddy fields, spraying of Profenofos @ 2ml/liter of water, under clear weather and no rainfall condition is recommended.
  • Fruit borer might attack the brinjal and tomato crops. Use pheromone trap @ 3- 4/acre.
  • Transplanting of Cole crops like cauliflower and cabbage is recommended and can carry sowing their late sowing varieties.
  • Farmers are recommended to carry early sowing of pea, after 2-3 days, as the intensity of the rainfall decreases, with a seed rate of 35-40 kg per acre.


Buy seeds at BKC Aggregators:

Mustard (black):  RH-761, RH-725, PM-32, DRMR 1165-40, RH-0749 CS.

Packet size: 2 kgs

GSP in Rs/Qtl: 11000/-, after 10% discount 9900/-

Mustard (yellow):  PM-31, Pant Shweta CS

Packet size: 2 kgs

GSP in Rs/Qtl: 11500/-, after 10% discount 10350/-

Mustard (black):  RH-761, RH-725, PM-32, DRMR 1165-40, RH-0749, Giriraj TL

Packet size: 1 kg

GSP in Rs/Qtl: 12500/-, after 10% discount 11250/-

Mustard (yellow):  PM-31, Pant Shweta CS

Packet size: 1 kg

GSP in Rs/Qtl: 13000/-, after 10% discount 11700/-

Field peas:  IPFD-12-2, IPFD-9-2, IPFD-13-2, IPFD-6-3, IPFD-11-5, IPFD-12-8 CS

Packet size: 30 kgs

GSP in Rs/Qtl: 8500/-, after 10% discount 7650/-


Contact us at:

PH. No: 9810449569

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