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Showing posts from January, 2019

Technology - Advising Farmers and Crop Yield Assesment

Food security in the light of climate change is a global imperative. In developing nations, the problem is exacerbated by variable weather, lack of reliable extension services to optimize yield and fair market access. In India, most farmers do not have access to weather advisory forecasts that are hyper local to their field and timely in nature. As all farming activities are heavily dependent on weather, decisions on application of fertilizers and pesticide, irrigation, and even plucking of fruits & vegetables and harvesting cannot be taken efficiently. In addition, significant crop losses, that are entirely preventable, accrue through adverse weather events. Crop advisory services, where available, are generic and not pegged to a farmer's seed variety, date of sowing, and growing conditions and hence do not dispense timely, actionable advice, directly relevant to a farmer. Likewise, market trends pertinent to their particular crop and location ...

BKC Aggregators: How it all started

Aggregators: BKC Aggregators vision is to transform the socio-economic fabric of India by creating farmer-entrepreneurs. Our mission is to provide timely and actionable information to each farmer to increase production and incomes, and mitigate risks with real-time yield forecasts. It all began in 1971 when our Founder, Dr. B. K. Singh, a fresh Ph.D in Agriculture from the Indian Agriculture Research Institute entered the workforce of post-independence and recently Green Revolutionized India.  Starting out with agriculture commodity trading at the State Trading Corporation of India, he continued to grapple with the challenges of bringing extension to farmers and how much weather affected livelihoods and, lives of farmers in India.   His first company, BKC WeatherSys, established in 1989, was the first entity to bring 7 day weather forecasts to India, the first to provide weather forecasts to farmers through text messages, and the first to build an automated forecasting so...