Through Fasal Salah App, approximately 150,000 Lakh farmers are linked to us on a one to one basis. These farmers are cultivating different crops. The sowing date, variety and agriculture management practices follows by them are received at by us for analytical purposes. Based on these inputs from farmers, yield determining factors like temperature, humidity, sunshine are crunched into a dynamic crop model specially developed for this purpose. We selected soybean as crop and Dewas of Madhya Pradesh as the area of study. Dewas is situated between North latitude 22o 17’00” & 23o 20’00” and east longitude 22.962267, 76.050797 and covers 7,020 km sq. area . Study Area This study covered about 1200 farmers cultivated soybean who were connected on Fasal Salah App. Through this app farmers received weather basis advisory based on crop physiology of soybean being cultivated in real time. Farmers in farm were providing feedback of management practices being followed by them
All about Weather and Crops