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Showing posts from 2022

Indian Wheat Export- Yes, No, Maybe, Maybe Not - By Dr B K Singh & Ruchi Sinha

  Recent ban on wheat export has come as a jolt for traders and farmers. The decision was taken under the purview of India’s food security concerns, in the wake of the sudden hike in domestic prices, Government decided to ban export of wheat. Later the ban was relaxed to accommodate genuine wheat export contracts backed by SWIFT certified LCs established before the ban kicked in. Euphoria among farmers to have received prices well above MSP for the first time in many years soon evaporated. One of the stated reasons for export restrictions is lower expected production during 2021-22 season because of unusually hot temperature in Feb-Mar 2022. We BKC set out to analyze the losses in yield because of hot weather . We BKC are connected with farmers in one-to-one basis through our App Fasal Salah for day-to-day advisories. We also run crop model for their crop which calculates expected yield in run time from sowing until harvest. We ran sample analysis for over hundred farmers a...

Diversifying Agriculture in Punjab - By Dr B K Singh & Ruchi Sinha

In 1947 British left India as a starving nation and State of Punjab bleeding from partition. Plagued the successive droughts and starvation deaths lead to some adventurous decisions by the Govt of India. Thanks to the then PM Smt. Indira Gandhi, Sri C Subramaniam Minister of Agriculture for their leadership and political will to allow foreign bred seeds into India for adoption on mass scale. (Today we continue to dither on GMOs). The green revolution started in mid 1960s with introduction of high yielding of Paddy verity (IR-8) ex IRRI Philippines and Wheat(K-68) ex Mexico.   Both the varieties were dwarf in height compared to crops traditionally grown in India and faced farmers reluctance in adoption.    Scientific endeavors of Dr M S Swaminathan and Norman Borlaug, backed by Innovative Extensions Methodologies invented by Dr K N Singh to roll out quickly new verities to selected hard working and innovation guzzling farmers of the then Punjab through National Demonstrati...

LOWER POTATO PRODUCTION EXPECTED THIS YEAR IN NORTH INDIA: Inclement Weather in most growing areas be responsible

Potatoes are the most staple diet of India. It is grown in abundance in northern India. Being a staple diet, it is the most grown vegetable in India. The best season to grow potatoes is between October and December.  This year could witness sharp fall in production of Potatoes and prices could remain firm through the season. 2 Major Factors are; Factor1: Low temperatures Winter of 2021-22 has been very harsh in North India for long stretches.  Comparison minimum of temperatures for last 7 years which represents major producing districts can be seen from chart below: Temperatures in 2021-22 have persistently be lower than that of corresponding period in 2020-21 An Ideal temperature for growing potatoes is between 18 and 25 degrees Celsius. Anything lower or higher than this range means the potato growth gets affected. When temperatures drop drastically the potato grows at a slower rate. And this happens due to lower oxidation levels which invariably leads to lessened tubular ...

One nation, one market

Every farmer’s dream wants an optimum price for their crops. But there is an immense disparity between the actual price and price fetched for the crops. One nation, one market is an agricultural concept developed by the Government for the betterment of farmers. This concept has just been in books and bills till now. But 2016 saw one more step towards the landmark, One nation, one market concept. This is going to be the ultimate revolution when it does become a common platform for the farmers to sell their agricultural products. In 2016, the Government launched the idea for the flagship scheme of One nation, one market. It is based on the progressive idea that all Agricultural products can be sold at one price. It paves way for the unified market without any jurisdiction. One nation, one market will eventually integrate all the APMC’s in one place. Benefits of One nation, one market:- Every farmer has heard about this concept but knows very little about it. One nation, one market ...

कृषि क्षेत्र मे महिलाओं का योगदान

  आज महिलाएं हर जगह हर क्षेत्र में अव्वल स्थान पर है चाहे वो घर का काम हो या बाहर का काम वह दोनों चीजों में सामंजस्य बैठा के आगे बढ़ रही है और हर चीज़ को अच्छे से संभाल रही है। वह पुरुषों के साथ कदम से कदम मिलाकर चल रही है ऐसा कोई क्षेत्र नहीं जहाँ उन्होंने अपना नाम रोशन न किया हो। बात की जाए कृषि क्षेत्र की , कृषि क्षेत्र में जितना योगदान पुरुषों का है उतना ही योगदान महिलाओं का भी है ।   भारत की लगभग 70 फीसदी आबादी ग्रामीण इलाकों में रहती है जिनके आय का जरिया खेती से ही निकलता है। घरेलू कार्य के साथ साथ वह खेत का सारा कार्य अच्छे से संभालती है। अनेक कार्य जैसे पौधों को रोपना , बीज लगाना फसलों की कटाई आदि कामों में वह निपुण हैं साथ ही साथ अन्य कार्य जैसे पशुपालन , मुर्गी पालन , मधुमक्खी पालन आदि को भी वे बड़ी बखूबी से निभाती हैं अन्य कार्य जैसे दूध घी एवं दही बनाना , आचार एवं चटनी , पापड़ आदि बनाने से वह आमदनी अंकित कमाती हैं और घर संभालती हैं। आज के समय में वह नई तकनीकों को सीखकर अच्छा पैसा और काम दोनों कमा रही हैं और अपना योगदान कृषि में बखूबी दे रही है । कृषि क्षेत्र मे...

Career growth of Agriculture in the Public sector

  India is an agriculture-based economy accounting for nearly 60% of our GDP. It is no wonder then that it has emerged as the most prominent industry and the highest job provider. This change has become most prominent in the past few years and is poised to grow at a much more rate. This is different from the earlier notion where Agriculture was limited to farming only. The new scenario has undergone a complete overhaul. Today it is possible for the youth to have a vibrant career in the Agriculture sector more so in the Public sector as well.   As a lot of rural youth is connected to the Fasal Salah agriculture app so it has taken the responsibility on is its shoulder to keep you updated. All you have to do is to download the “Fasal Salah Agriculture App” from google play store and have a look on the Job section where you can easily find the perfect solution as it is categorized in the form of 10 th , 12 th and agriculture job format. According to agricultural experts, Job...