Every farmer’s dream wants an optimum price for their crops. But there is an immense disparity between the actual price and price fetched for the crops. One nation, one market is an agricultural concept developed by the Government for the betterment of farmers. This concept has just been in books and bills till now. But 2016 saw one more step towards the landmark, One nation, one market concept. This is going to be the ultimate revolution when it does become a common platform for the farmers to sell their agricultural products. In 2016, the Government launched the idea for the flagship scheme of One nation, one market. It is based on the progressive idea that all Agricultural products can be sold at one price. It paves way for the unified market without any jurisdiction. One nation, one market will eventually integrate all the APMC’s in one place. Benefits of One nation, one market:- Every farmer has heard about this concept but knows very little about it. One nation, one market ...
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