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Showing posts from 2024

Budget 2024-25: Focus on High-Value Agriculture

  The Economic Survey has highlighted a significant shift necessary for smallholder farmers to boost their incomes. Traditionally, crops like rice, wheat, millets, pulses, and oilseeds have been the backbone of India's agricultural sector. However, the survey emphasizes the need for farmers to diversify into high-value agriculture, including the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, as well as engaging in fisheries, poultry, and dairy farming. This diversification is crucial for enhancing income levels and ensuring sustainable growth in the agricultural sector. The Need for Diversification India's agriculture sector has demonstrated robust growth, with an average rate of 4.18% over the last five years. This growth is crucial for the overall economic development of the country. Despite achieving record food grain production of 329.7 million tonnes in 2022-23, with oilseed production reaching 41.4 million tonnes, the sector's reliance on traditional crops poses limitati

Monsoon Revival Spurs Indian Farmers to Accelerate Summer Crop Planting

  In a significant development for India's agricultural sector, farmers across the country have swiftly escalated their efforts to sow summer crops such as paddy, soybean, cotton, and corn. This surge in planting comes on the heels of a rejuvenated monsoon season, particularly robust during July following a deficit in June. The latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare reveals that by July 12, farmers had planted crops across 57.5 million hectares, marking a 10% increase compared to the same period last year.   Monsoon Impact and Planting Surge The monsoon, which historically contributes nearly 70% of India's rainfall, plays a crucial role in sustaining the agricultural landscape of the nation. After a delayed onset and subdued performance in June, July witnessed a remarkable turnaround with a 9% surplus in rainfall, facilitating optimal conditions for planting. This turnaround has been instrumental in mitigating the earlier concerns caused by

Decline in Fruit Production in Uttarakhand: How to restore it?

Introduction   Uttarakhand, known for its rich biodiversity and favorable conditions for horticulture, has experienced a sharp decline in fruit yields over the past several years. The once thriving fruit cultivation industry, particularly of temperate fruits like apples, pears, peaches, plums, and apricots, is now grappling with significant challenges. This decline is primarily attributed to the warming climate, changing temperature patterns, and shifts in agricultural practices. Additionally, socioeconomic factors such as the younger generation's diminishing interest in agriculture and the rapid growth of the tourism industry have further compounded the issue.   Impact of Warming Climate on Fruit Yields   A study by Climate Trends highlights the profound impact of a warming climate on Uttarakhand's fruit production. Between 2016 - 17 and 2022 - 23, the yield and area under cultivation of major fruit crops have seen a significant decline. This trend is particularly noticeable