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Late Season Monsoon-Bringing Smile on Farmer's Face


  • The Cyclonic Circulation moving towards Odisha, forecast very heavy rains over Odisha, and moderate rainfalls in adjoining regions Gangetic West-Bengal and Coastal Andhra Pradesh.  
  • Paddy Farmers in Odisha must uptake some serious drainage practices, removing excess water from the field, by keeping drain end open as there is possibility of submerged situation in low land.
  • There may be chance of Wilting and Root rot in vegetable like Tomato, Chilli and Brinjal due to heavy rains.
  • Madhya Pradesh may see moderate showers for rest of the season, sudden wilt in Cotton could happen.
  • Soybean farmers in MP are advised to harvest the early maturing varieties immediately after the 90% pods have turned yellow.
  • Bihar is anticipated to receive light-moderate rainfalls in some regions, but it might receive less widespread rains.
  • Sowing of September sown Arhar varieties like Pusa -9, Sharad etc. with seed rate 25-30 kg/ha is advised for pulse farmers in Bihar, and field preparation for pea can be started.
  • South-west Uttar Pradesh is likely to witness widespread rainfalls for the next few days. This may result in increased weeds in paddy fields, for which farmers are advised to pay special attention on weed control.
  • Farmers are advised to start sowing of pearl millet crop in UP.
  • A monsoon trough is crossing Rajasthan, north Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, and continues southeast to the West-Central Bay of Bengal, which is resulting in Moderate rains in these regions.
  • The moderate showers in Eastern Rajasthan may comfort the pulse farmers to some extent.
  • Sugarcane and Cotton crops had severely damaged due to a large deficient rainfall in the western regions.
  • There are high chances for attack of Pink Boll Worm in Cotton crops, and Maize borer in Maize crops in Punjab. Farmers are advised to be prepared with suitable treatments.



  • The late season rains are beneficial for already sown crops in many regions.
  • Also expected to benefit the upcoming rabi crops, by adding up to the soil moisture levels.


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