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We "BKC Aggregators" welcome Government's offer for farmers

Government Relents on MSP Issue, Proposes Five-Year Contract to Secure Fair Returns for Farmers and Promote Sustainable Agriculture

The government has relented on the contentious issue of Minimum Support Price (MSP). The proposal involves a groundbreaking five-year contract aimed at stabilizing prices and ensuring fair returns for farmers cultivating pulses, maize, and cotton. This initiative comes at a crucial juncture, addressing long-standing grievances within the agricultural sector while also aligning with broader policy objectives of crop diversification and environmental sustainability.

Major Points from the Meeting: 

  • Union Cooperative Societies to Sign Five-Year Contracts: As per the proposal, the Cotton Corporation of India will enter a 5-year legal agreement with farmers to purchase the crops at MSP.  The government has brokered agreements with prominent Union cooperative societies such as the National Cooperative Consumers Federation (NCCF) and the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED). These entities will enter into five-year contracts to purchase dal (pulses) and maize from farmers at MSPs.
  • MSP Assurance:  Under the proposed contracts, the designated crops will be procured at MSPs, providing a crucial safety net for farmers and ensuring stable incomes.
  • Unlimited Purchase Quantities and Website Accessibility: Notably, there will be no restrictions on the quantities that farmers can sell under these contracts. Additionally, a dedicated website will be established to facilitate transparent transactions and streamline procurement processes. 

Long-term Strategy for Maize Production: 

The government's offer extends far beyond immediate relief, to also include a strategic vision to boost maize production. Recognizing the important role of maize as the primary feedstock for grain-based ethanol supplies, the initiative seeks to encourage farmers to cultivate maize. The decision is likely to have multi-dimensional benefits, ranging from reviving Punjab's agriculture sector to reducing environmental pressures such as groundwater depletion and land degradation.

Addressing Environmental Concerns:

This new proposal also responds to press environmental concerns, particularly regarding groundwater depletion and air quality deterioration. By encouraging the transition to maize cultivation, the government aims to reduce stress on groundwater resources and reducing air pollution caused by burning of paddy waste, particularly prevalent in the Delhi region.

We, Fasal Salah, extend our support to the government's new scheme and also suggest farmers for the adoption of this initiative.



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